Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Making tea for my family

A few nights ago I  helped my mum make tea, we made tuna pasta bake. It was super fun and was deelishis. we also tried something new and put bread crumbs on it and here are some photos.               


So what do you think and would you like to try it?


  1. Hi Troy, good on you helping at home and making some tea for your family! The Tuna Pasta bake looks very yummy and would have been good to eat on these cold wet nights we've had lately. I think the bread crumbs is a good idea to add some crispy to the top.
    I wondered if you add cheese to the top too (I do). I would definitely try it.
    Can't wait to see what else you might bake or cook!
    Miss J

  2. Tuna Pasta bake is a great idea Troy! I've been trying to think of something yummy for tea tonight. It's great to share the cooking, I know I like it when someone else cooks a meal for me. I do like the idea of the breadcrumbs on top and would definitely like to try it.
    Sometimes we chop up some herbs to go on top as well and that's yummy too.
    Mrs Devlin

  3. Hi my name is Sam, I am 10 years old and I go to St Patrick school, I really love the tuna pasta bake it does look really delicious, I'm sad that i didn't get any. But maybe next time you could add a little more information, like the ingredients and how to make it. Other than that Gr8 job.


  4. Hi troy my name is Jackson from St Patricks School. Nice work that looks realy nice


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