Tuesday, 5 May 2020

why Poppies on ANZAC day?

The reason we have poppies on Anzac Day is because
the red poppy or Flanders poppy (its proper name)
was one of the first plants to grow
in the mud and dirt of Flanders in Belgium
after the fighting during WWI of 1914-18. 
It became a symbol for us
to remember those who fought in the war
and died on the battlefields.



  1. Hi Troy,
    Thanks for your research and finding such a significant piece of information about the poppies. It is a surprising fact that something as beautiful as these poppies grows in the mud of a once battlefield. Thanks for sharing.

  2. What an amazing wee flower this is Troy! Thank you for sharing this. It must have been quite a sight to see the bright red flower covering rough destroyed ground of battle. I have seen an old photo of WW soldiers starting to dig a trench and there were poppies growing ing the grass they were digging through.
    Miss J

  3. Hi Troy,I'm Heidi from St Patrick's school.
    I didn't know that poppy's had another name.
    I like the pictures and all the facts you added.
    Keep it up!

  4. Hi Troy, My name is Sam and I am from St Patrick's school.
    Wow Great Job I didn't know that the poppies was the symbol because that's where the war ended.
    Nice Pictures of Poppies.
    Gr8 Job

    Keep it up!


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